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Rewire Your Neural Pathways for Unconditional Freedom, Confidence and Certainty

Writer: Christopher H. Loo, MD-PhDChristopher H. Loo, MD-PhD

Updated: Aug 23, 2022



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Christopher H. Loo, MD-PhD: So welcome, everybody to this week's podcast episode for the Financial Freedom for Physicians podcast. I'm your host, Dr. Christopher Loo. And as you know, we talk about four different types of freedom: financial, time, location, and emotional freedom. And my mission is to empower you by spreading education information, bringing you awareness of all the different types of opportunities and the guests that are doing amazing things out there. So today, we have a special guest, Adrian Moreno, and he's going to talk to us all about neuroscience, and rewiring neural pathways for unconditional freedom, confidence in certainty.

So quick background before he introduces himself, Adrian began his career inside the health and fitness space. And he gained unparalleled experience with hypnosis, and NLP. And he's established himself as a respected, transformational specialist. He's the co-creator of the Neuro-Remapping method. And this is the method by which he creates rapid behavior change for entrepreneurs, investors, founders and leaders. So without much ado, I'll let Adrian introduce himself. So Adrian, welcome.

Adrian Moreno: Hey, what's going on, brother, thanks a lot for having me. I just want to say first off, I love the four freedoms, it's time, location, financial, and the fact that you throw emotional freedom in there. That is just awesome. Because I feel like so many people, when it comes to the financial part of life, they turn the other cheek to the emotional side as you're working towards becoming financially free. So I just want to acknowledge you for having that there. Because I think it's just so important that we understand it's really difficult to be wealthy, if you're emotionally like in some prison. Right? So yeah, amazing, man. And man, thanks for having me. This is awesome.

Christopher H. Loo, MD-PhD: Yeah, yeah. So tell us a little bit about yourself, your background, how you grew up, your early experiences and what you do now?

Adrian Moreno: Yeah. So to give you the if I took you back to like when I came out of the womb, it's gonna be here all day long, right. But let me give you enough context. You see, in 2014, I experienced a heartbreak. Now, this is the high school heartbreak, the kind where you feel like your whole world comes crumbling down, or I thought my whole world had come crumbling down. So I felt like it, and I acted like it. And what I mean by that is in 2014, I was a junior in high school. And when I experienced this heartbreak, it made me kind of stop caring about things. Like my grades plummeted. I wasn't a great student, I was probably like a C student, but I went from like a C student to like a Z student. And while my grades plummeted, I was studying in training to become a fireman at the time, but I immediately let all that go. I was very fit. And then all of a sudden, I just stopped caring about my body and within four years, I gained 100 pounds. From the age of 17 to 21, I put on 100 pounds. And that's if you do the math, about 25 pounds a year like that is very dramatic. So not only was I physically changing tremendously, but emotionally I started suffering more and more. I found myself losing my job.

I called my friend. And the interesting part is, when I call him over, I'm laying on the couch without a shirt. Now look, I'm not saying this just to be sexy. I'm saying this because it's a very important part of the story. I'm laying here without a shirt, the doorbell rings. So I get out, I get off the couch, I walk over to the front door. And I don't have a shirt on. So when I opened up the door to let my friend go shirtless, he was my best friend. He saw me all the time. But I guess he hadn't seen me without a shirt for a long time. So when he saw me shirtless, for five words that will change my entire life. And that was, damn Adrian you got fat. And when he said that it stunk. I was like, ouch, that really, really hurt. But of course, I just blew it off. And I was like, Yeah, whatever, whatever. And just try to blow it off. But internally, like it really did sting.

And then we went to the backyard, we're having our conversation. And then Christopher, have you ever said anything? Without thinking about it? Like you just said it?

Christopher H. Loo, MD-PhD: Nothing comes to mind.

Adrian Moreno: Well, those times where you don't really think about what you're going to say. You just blurt it out, right? And in that moment, I experienced that, where I didn't think about what I was going to say. But I just blurted the words out, I'm about to lose all of this weight. I didn't really know that I was about to go on a weight loss journey when I woke up that day. But when I said it, I was like, All right, I'm gonna have to follow through on this, because I just told my friend, I'm gonna lose weight. And so I ended up coming inside that day and started YouTubing, and Googling how to build a workout plan and how to build on a nutrition plan. And then fast forward nine months, I ended up losing 91 pounds. So it worked, right, like I meant it, when I said I was about to lose weight, like I genuinely meant it.

And then something interesting happened about 70 pounds into my weight loss journey, I decided that I could help people do the same thing I do. A lot of people were struggling with their fitness. I actually understand because I was obese and like now I'm not, like I can really help them. And I opened up my online personal training business. And long story short, man, within 16 months, I made almost half a million dollars. And as a 23 year old kid, this was like, Whoa, there’s no way this is real. And then I found myself one morning working with a lot of.. It started like this, I would work with our charging $5,000 for people to work with me for like 90 days, it was like very expensive fitness coaching. And it was interesting. I was charging somebody, I'm gonna say I have person A and person B, person A was paying me $5,000 and changing their whole life. Person B was paying me $5,000. But was making all the excuses in the book, why they couldn't work out why they couldn't eat right? Oh, they just weren't able to make it happen.

And so for me, when I lost weight, Christopher, it was so easy. I don't say that to be arrogant. I genuinely mean it. When I lost weight. It was not a difficult process. I was so enthusiastic about it. And I think I was so enthusiastic about it because I was so fed up with being the other way. Like I was just like, No, there's no other way I'm going but this way. And so it was so easy for me. So in my mind, I thought it was gonna be like that for my clients. I was like, it’s gonna be the same thing. But I was getting so much pushback. So I was like, how did I change so quickly? And why are they not? Like what is the difference between me and them.

And so I looked into behavior change which causes human beings to do what they did, because I figured, if I can figure out how to manipulate somebody's brain, and let's get clear on what manipulate means. It just means to control in a skillful manner. In a skillful manner, if I can manipulate my client's brain, then I can ideally have a 100% success rate, meaning I can help them get what they want, if I can help them change their brain. So now I went from this weight loss guy to being obsessed with behavior change, because I was like, all weight loss is changing your behavior. It's just gonna change what you do every day.

And so, I'm like you. I'm an entrepreneur. We like things to be efficient, right? We like systems and I love systemising things. So I wanted to system, if behavior changed, I was like, How can I get a client and get them to print? How can I print a machine that prints the results like the US prints money? I like how I can build something like that? And so my mind started looking into therapies. And I was like, what's up with all these different therapies in the world, so much of them? And the thing is traditional therapy was a success. I love traditional therapists, they all come from a very good place. Don't get me wrong, but the success rate, it's laughable, was like 38%. And on average, you need 22 to 26 sessions, for a 38% chance of you, maybe you'll get what you want. That was just so mind blowing that people paid for that. So I was like, okay, there has to be something better than that. And so I started looking into this interesting thing,, I saw this headline and said, better than therapy 100% of the time.

A very biased headline, let's be real. But when I looked at the headline, when I clicked on the article, it talked about this phenomenal therapy that has a 93% success rate. And it was talking about hypnotherapy, I was like, 93%. And get this, Chris, you only need to do it within about two to five sessions. So I was like, Whoa, like, this is pretty mind blowing. But me, I don't like to believe in things, unless I validate it internally. I've always been like that. And so I said, Okay, well, I can tell that the guy who wrote this was probably a hypnotist. So it's probably very biased. But let me actually hire a hypnotist. Because I have a fear of public speaking. I had a major fear of public speaking. I called a hypnotist up, we did it over the phone, it was so weird. We just did it over the phone. And then before you knew it, now I make over 50% of my revenue, literally speaking as a public speaker. So clearly, I got rid of the fear. And when I realized that I got rid of the fear, I realized that this thing was real. So I was like, oh my god, I gotta learn how to do this. And I started diving into hypnosis, NLP. And throughout time, I created a neural process that's designed to rewire people's behavior patterns in two seconds or less.

So that's like my long story, and that’s how I got into this position here. It started with losing weight. And then when I lost the weight, I realized I lost the person who gained the weight. And then I became obsessed with helping people to lose the person. Or the belief that gained all this weight. I became obsessed with helping him drop fat, and then throughout time, and I just found myself working with a lot of entrepreneurs. And a lot of them just wanted confidence. They wanted to be certain in themselves. They wanted to be free from the insecurities that were getting in their way. And yeah, and ever since then, man is the most intriguing career of my freaking life. Like, just before we did this call, I did a session helping somebody eliminate their fear of they had a lot of anxiety around selling. And it's so fun, man. But yeah, that's, that's a little bit of my story. That's like, why I do what I do.

Christopher H. Loo, MD-PhD: Nice. Yeah. So you really delved into how you got into this space of behavioral change. And it's interesting how you used experiences all of these self is what it sounds like, was self sabotage. So you know, during your journey, where does self doubt really come from?

Adrian Moreno: Now, when it comes to where self doubt comes from, it's very important that we understand there is only one, one root cause for self doubt. Now, there are many different expressions of this one root cause. But the best way for me to answer it would be. So I had a client come to me, he was doing $19 million a year in his company and was doing very well for himself. I think we can agree. Had it all. But he was writing a book for five years. He was like, Dude, I've been writing this book for five freaking years. I can't get this book out. Every time I do this book, I just procrastinate. And I push it off. And he's like, it's like, dude, like, I built the American dream. I came from nothing. I'm super successful. But I can't freakin get this ambition out of me to write his book. He was like, I feel small when I'm writing the book. I feel small for some reason. And he goes, this is the weirdest thing. I was like, alright, so clearly, it's not an ambition problem. You're ambitious, you're driven. But it sounds like you may be driving your Ferrari with the e-brake on right now. So let's figure out what's going on.

And so I take them through a Neuro-Remapping process, and what it's designed to do. And let’s talk about reverse engineering, people are listening, they’re business owners, they know about reverse engineering. You want to make $100,000 This month, okay? Let's say okay, now you're like, alright, well, how many sales do I need to make to make $100,000? I got a $10,000 product, I need 10 cells. Okay? How many people do I need to talk to to get 10? Cells? Okay? How many people do I need to like prospects to get that many appointments? Right, you start reverse engineering all the way down to what you have to do today, tomorrow, yada, yada.

Neuro-Remapping was designed off the idea of reverse engineering your emotional patterns, to figure out where they're coming from. Reverse engineer your behavior patterns to figure out where they're coming from. So when I reverse engineer somebody's behavior patterns are designed to take them back. I do some timeline regression that gets stamped to review their past through the eyes of their current beliefs. Now, I don't review their past because the past is what controls our now. No, you're not at the mercy of past events. I only look at the past and only have my clients view the past. Because when you review the past, you only review it through your current beliefs. So when I look at someone to help somebody look at things in the past, I'm helping them highlight what they currently believe about themselves, if that makes sense. Okay, so with this client, let's figure out why you keep sabotaging your success when it comes to this book.

He goes back to a memory, because time on regression utilizes going back to certain memories. He goes back to a memory where he was about four years old. And it was Halloween night. And he goes, Okay, I'm at Grandma's house. And everybody just got done trick or treating. And we're all sitting on the grandma's floor, and we're all dumping out candy, and we're trading our candy. I'm like, okay, cool. Tell me what else is going on? He said, Everybody's talking? And I really want to talk. I was like, talk, why don't you talk? So he tries to talk. But the oldest cousin who was like nine years old, decided to be a little asshole that day, and told my client as a little boy, shut up, Alex, nobody wants to hear you. So Alex, my client, at that moment, he made a decision to believe something about himself, he made a decision to get an idea that was false, and assume it to be true. And that idea was that my voice doesn't matter. Because nobody wants to hear me. So that must mean, my voice doesn't matter.

He made a decision. My voice doesn't matter. It's just an idea that was completely made up. But he made a decision to believe it and make it true for him. So now you see why putting your book out there will scare the shit out of him. Because he's putting his voice out there. Why would you do that if you genuinely, in your nervous system, if you believe that your voice does not matter, you see how that emotional pattern plays out. So it wasn't that he was a procrastinator. It was simply that he didn't feel like anybody would want to listen to his voice. And that scared him. So he shoved it away. Now what we were able to do was to rewire that which I'll share with you how we can do that as well. But I was able to help him rewire that. And he published his book, I think within a little bit over 90 days of our very first session. Yeah, the book published everything out. He was interviewed on news weekly, he did a lot of different interviews, and like he did PR blew up in the books. And it's all coming from that single session of self doubt.

The root cause of all self doubt is a core belief you have, this core belief can be my voice doesn't matter. It could be that I'm not good enough. It could be that I'm not worthy. It can be a burden. It could be that I'm too different. In fact, I'm a burden. I'm too different, something is wrong with me. I'm not good enough. And I'm not worthy, the most common belief that I come up with is that I uncover clients whenever we're doing this practice. So to answer your question, the root cause I've all believed that of all self doubt, is a core belief that you choose to make true about yourself. And the reason why I say that. This is not just philosophy. This is physics. This is yeah, this is physics at the end of the day, so reality if you ask any physicist what reality is, they're gonna say, just a big ol swarm of electromagnetic energy. The universe is just energy. It’s the weirdest thing, right?

With each belief that you have in your mind they create. Your beliefs are electromagnetic units, there are just beliefs. So beliefs are nothing but ideas that you assume are true. That's it, it's just an idea that you assume is true. Ideas are like calories. They're electromagnetic units of energy; calories. When you eat calories, you build up your body beliefs, when you focus on them, you build up the body of your experience, you build up your life. So an idea is an electromagnetic unit of energy. When you focus on an idea, it produces a wave of electromagnetic movement that goes through your nervous system that you feel as a feeling, emotion, which is energy in motion, that emotion is going to determine what actions you take or don't take, which is going to determine the results that you experience. So what I'm saying is, by every thought, and by every emotion, you feel, you're sending out an electromagnetic charge of energy, that literally reorganizes your electromagnetic field around you.

It is proof today that thoughts and feelings literally impact the atmosphere, like physical matter, like on 9/11. On 911. So America has these two satellites, one in the Western Hemisphere, and one in the northern hemisphere. And what they're designed to do is measure the electromagnetic frequency of the earth. Now on 9/11, however, they noticed, Harvard scientists noticed two massive spikes in the electromagnetic charge of the earth. They're like, Yo, we've never seen these kinds of spikes before, what's going on. So they decided to pinpoint the data. They looked into the data, they pinpointed, and they saw that electromagnetic spikes of energy happened. The first one happened 15 minutes after the first plane was hit as the first plane hit the World Trade Center. The second spike happened seven minutes after the second plane hit.

Why am I saying this? Because it shows that human emotion literally influences the atmosphere, and human emotion follows your imagination. And your imagination follows your belief system. Self doubt happens when you don't know how to use your imagination properly. And that's coming from a belief that you hold about yourself, and getting rid of self doubt is a matter of just dropping the belief that's actually causing it. And so that will just fall right away. So I know it's a really long answer. But does that make sense?

Christopher H. Loo, MD-PhD: Yeah, that was really interesting. So let's see here, it boils down to all mindset. And that’s really interesting. And the other thing I wanted to ask was, when a lot of entrepreneurs say they struggle with impostor syndrome, and how do you resolve that problem?

Adrian Moreno: Beautiful. So, step one is admitting, and this is the biggest mistake entrepreneurs make, is they deny their experience. Now, when I say entrepreneurs, I mean entrepreneurs more than anybody else. And the reason why, because entrepreneurs, we build up this image of ourselves as the successful, ambitious driven person who works hard, who has their shit together, or we feel like we have to have it together, right, we feel like we have to be the strong ones. So it's not easy for somebody who sees himself as driven and ambitious, to admit that they feel like an impostor. To admit that they don't feel like they're good enough. To admit that they feel like nobody really loves them. It's not easy for somebody of our caliber to admit that, because it threatens the image that we try to hold of ourselves.

The first step is meeting your feelings where they are. There is no possible way in the universe, you can get over and you can resolve an emotional conflict, like impostor syndrome, without actually facing what is there. Because when you ignore a thought or a feeling, just ignoring the thought, it calls for a lot of energy for you to ignore thoughts. It's very taxing on your energy. So when you suppress thoughts, you intensify their emotional charge, right? So getting over impostor syndrome is not going to work if you just say, I'm just going to work through it. And I'm going to be okay, I'm just going to work hard and I'm going to prove myself that I am good enough. I've worked with people like that, $19 million entrepreneur and other very successful entrepreneurs who have very long track records, who still feel like they're an imposter, all because they are too damn big headed, I'm gonna call it what it is, to freaking except for the fact that they feel the way they feel. So that's gonna be step one, to actually meet your feelings where they are, and don't logically try to overcome your feelings. Because the moment you actually face a feeling, you can follow it back to the belief that it's creating it. So step one, just admit it that you're feeling some kind of way.

Step two, you want to follow your feelings back. So what I mean by this is, a client of mine. There was a fitness coach and he was afraid of putting himself out there. He was like, Dude, when I'm working on my business. I just feel like ooh, I feel so grindy and salesy and like, I feel like I'm an impostor. And nobody wants to work with me or something like that. So we took him through his experience, through the Neuro-Remapping method. And after our session, he went on, and he, I believe, tripled his revenue within like three months, and his fitness business took off to the point where he's able to leave his nine to five and full-on grow his business. Now, the way that we did that was very interesting. The way that we did that was to have him rewire his perspective of a past event.

So in this client's case, he went back to a moment where he was swimming with his cousins. And all of his cousins did backflips. He tried to do a backflip off the diving board, but he just did a belly flop instead, he didn't do the backflip. And so when he came up from the water, all of his cousins started laughing at him. And that moment, he told himself, I don't belong. I don't belong. That became a story. So no wonder, in his 40s he felt like every time he was posting, oh, my God, I don't belong. Nobody's gonna want me here. All the anxiety was coming from that belief of I don't belong. How did we uncover that belief? We followed his fillings. Now. If you want to get rid of it quickly, come work with me. But a practical step for you to do right now that anybody can do to actually start resolving these issues, is when I say follow your emotions, this is how you do it. So the other night I woke up very anxious. I mean, the other morning I woke up very anxious. And I could have easily said, You know what, I'm just gonna go about my day and I'm going to work through it. But I followed my feelings. This is how I did it.

I vocalized my feeling when you vote so when I say vocalize a feeling most people think they mean Oh, I got it. So if I feel sad, vocalize . The feeling is Oh, I feel sad. Not vocalizing a feeling is vocalizing what you just feel. And at that moment, I didn't feel anxious. At that moment, I felt like a failure. I didn't say Oh, I feel anxious. I woke up and said, I feel like I'm a failure. In other words, I vocalize my feelings. Keep in mind, I already made hundreds of thousands of dollars at this point. I already have a track record of a 94% success rate with all of my clients. I already had things going for me. But I woke up one morning feeling like a failure. I could have easily said, Dude, you're Adrian fucking Moreno man, screw it, you're not a failure, and I couldn't move forward.

But I met my feelings where they were. I said I feel like I'm a failure. And then I screamed into a pillow. In other words, I expressed my emotions, that’s step two, is actually expressing your emotion with how it wants to be expressed. One of the easiest ways to express something, by the way, is through noise. We as human beings are; the reason why when you have sex you moan. There's a reason why when you feel peaceful you go ahhh. There's a reason why when you eat food that tastes good. You're like, mmm, because we emotionally express ourselves vert through sound. Right? So what I did was, I grabbed a screaming pillow. And I just screamed in it until I felt exhausted. And when I screamed into the pillow, that anxiety turned into sadness. And I was like, and my eyes got watery. And I was like, I feel like I'm a fucking burden.

Boom. I just became aware of the belief that was holding me back by vocalizing my feelings. Because remember, your feelings follow your beliefs. So if you vocalize your feelings, you will become aware of your beliefs. All right, that's step two. So step one, meet yourself where you're at, accept your feelings. Step two is to express your feelings. Follow them so you become aware of the belief behind it. Are you catching me so far? Okay. Now, how do you get rid of it? How do you change the belief, in other words. Well, getting rid of impostor syndrome comes down to eliminating the belief that's causing it, there's a couple of ways you can change a belief.

The first way you can change a belief is through something that I like to call inner child work. So you can rewire a past memory. For example, with my client who was experiencing all of this anxiety, I had him go back to that moment where he did the backflip and couldn't do it. And I had him give his mind another event. I said, look man, your brain can't see through your skull right now. Your brain doesn't know if you're a little kid, just imagining it. Or you're or if it's actually happening. Your brain just knows this as an experience. So give it a new experience now.

So in that moment, I said, Man the backflip, I want you to see all of your friends cheering you on. I want you to see your cousin's clapping and asking you, how the heck are you so good. I want you to let that little boy feel like they belong. Just allow him to feel like he belongs. So keep in mind, my clients when they're working with me, they're in a trance. So they're in beta brainwaves; when you're in theta brainwaves, you can really quickly change your brain, like change your neurons very quickly. So I'm giving you a practice not to do it in beta brainwaves. But, this is why it was so quick for him because he was in beta, but I just had him reimagine a certain event. So what you can do is you don't need to be in beta. But when you're going to sleep at night, you're already dipping into alpha and beta.

So when you're going to sleep at night, go back to memories. If you know them, if you have some memories that you felt like did not go the way you wanted to, recreate them. Go back and reimagine doing something else. This will literally change your perspective of the past, which will rewire your current neurons. It sounds so out there. But you can manipulate the past to change your present right here right now by changing your perspective on it. That's one thing you can do. If you're not aware of a certain moment, a certain moment doesn't come to mind. Cool. Just close your eyes every night. And imagine giving your child self the childhood they always imagined. That alone is enough to change your subconscious, because your subconscious stops maturing around five years old. So if you go back and revisit your five year old self before bed, like literally just close your eyes and imagine taking your five year old self to Disney, imagine telling them you love them that they're important, that they're worthy, that is more than sufficient to change your brain. Now, it's very important that when you go to sleep, and you're doing this, do this before bed, when you're going to sleep and go to sleep in that state, don't visualize and then go to sleep, go to sleep while you're picturing your little kid that goes to sleep in that state is very, very important. So that's one way you can eliminate the belief itself.

“I'm an impostor. I'm not worthy.” These are all suggestions. They're not actually true. They're all suggestions. Right? So what you want to do is give yourself brand new suggestions. Now, I don't just mean affirmations. People don't know how to use affirmations properly. They say, I'm wealthy, I'm this, I'm that, but the entire time their voice in the back of their heads is like no, you're not. No, you're not. No, you're not. You're not. What you're doing is you're just ignoring your feelings. And you're trying to stack all this bullshit on top of a feeling that's there that you're not paying attention to. And you're letting it get all crazy.

So if you want to use affirmations properly, step one, feel your feelings, right, there's always going to be step one, feel your feeling, let it go through. Once you feel your feeling and you let it go through, revisit a past memory where you were successful or where you felt confident where you felt accomplished. When you revisit past memories where you were accomplished, it will trigger all the chemicals and all of the feelings that you have in that mind. Now what you can do is you can carry that feeling over into your brand new suggestions. Because the only way you can change your neurons in your brain is through giving your brain intense emotion. Your brain changes through experience, not through information, experience changes your brain.

Emotions are experiential. So if you trigger a positive emotion, before you start giving yourself suggestions, the suggestions will actually change your brain, because you're emotionally charged. So neuroplasticity actually gets to do its thing, and actually change. So the easiest way to give you that confidence is to revisit a past success, because that will reinstill any feelings of worth that you feel like you don't have. And then just take that new feeling of success, and start repeating brand new suggestions. If you want to intensify it, see each word come up as you repeat the suggestion; I am worthy and deserving of everything I want. Close your eyes. And imagine each word coming up as you say it. This is a very effective way for reprogramming your mind.

And then one of the last things you can do is ask yourself, if I had these new beliefs, what would I be able to do? Close your eyes. And imagine you living out the events that are going to come as an aspect, as a byproduct of this brand new belief. But when you visualize, make sure you really get your senses involved, because the only way you can normalize something in your nervous system is by stimulating your nervous system. So when you're visualizing, pay attention to the details, get all your details involved, all your senses involved, make it as real as you possibly can make it and do that every single night before you go to sleep. These things are simple. They're so simple, and they're not commonly practiced. But I know that the people who are listening to this recording are the kind of individuals who will practice these things.

But giving these things practical, like actual implications in your life, you will see a change in beliefs very quickly. And you're going to see your environment start to shift, because reality will already reorganize itself to mirror your beliefs. Those are a couple of ways you can eliminate impostor syndrome. But just a super simple practice that anybody can do, if you're going to do anything that I just told you. It's been five or 10 minutes a day revisiting past successes. And then carry that feeling into your day. Just revisiting past successes enough, will train your brain to reinstill a sense of worth when you are worthy again. In other words, you're always worthy. But when you feel worthy, again, impostor syndrome becomes something that you only used to deal with.

Christopher H. Loo, MD-PhD: It's been a very fantastic discussion, and you've given almost an hour of a coaching session. And I know it's a lot of value. I know a lot of people are going to want to reach out to you, how can they find out more about you?

Adrian Moreno: Yeah, totally, totally. So let me first say this, I'm gonna preface with this. Everybody listening here has all the resources they need to do all of this work, like they can do it all. Go to And that's gonna get you directly into my world through an experience.

Christopher H. Loo, MD-PhD: Awesome. Alright. Well, thanks so much for being a guest on the show and for dropping so much value. We hope to have you on the podcast as a future guest.

Adrian Moreno: Thank you so much for having me, man.

Christopher H. Loo, MD-PhD: Many thanks again for being here. If you’re new, you can find me online at Christopher H. Loo, MD-PhD, where I have links to other episodes or links to online resources that will support you on your financial literacy journey. I’ll see you there in on next week’s show. While I bring you thoroughly vetted information on this show regarding a variety of financial topics, I cannot promise you a one size fits all solution. This is why I caution you to continue to learn. Educate yourself and seek professional advice unique to your situation. If you want to talk to me, I welcome it. Please reach out via my website or email at I read and personally respond to all of my emails. Talk soon!


Editor's note: This transcript has been edited for brevity and clarity.


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