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Physician Entrepreneur Spotlight: Dr. Charmaine Gregory, MD (Fearless Freedom MD)

Writer: Christopher H. Loo, MD-PhDChristopher H. Loo, MD-PhD

Updated: May 30, 2022


Note: transcription provided by Otter.AI, which is a technology company that develops speech-to text transcription and translation applications using artificial intelligence and machine learning.


Christopher H. Loo, MD-PhD: Today, we had a special guest, Dr. Charmaine Gregory and I was talking to Dr. Gregory just earlier on. And I got my brand started and career started by appearing on her podcast and other physician podcasts and I realized that she wasn't on mine, so I reached out to her.

So she is a wife, mom to three cherubs, and a burnout thriver. She currently practices emergency medicine in Guam, which is a very interesting story that we'll talk about. And she's a serial entrepreneur doing a lot of side hustles and side gigs with a weekly podcast, of course on starting a podcast and doing it for you services for podcasters. She's also a speaker, and she's the author of several books. And as a physician, Dr. Gregory has exclusively worked at night shifts, both in Michigan and now in Guam.

To face her visceral fear of public speaking, Dr. G started a podcast, Fearless Freedom with Dr. G, which focuses on facing fear and emerging victoriously to expand further into our appreciation for podcasts in the positive impact podcasts can have in the lives of listeners. She began teaching others how to get started with their shows through her podcasting course. She has also developed podcasting services. So she also has a Facebook support group for women in health care that will be included, as well as her course. So, Charmaine, Dr. Gregory, welcome.

Dr. Charmaine Gregory, MD: Thank you, it is such an honor to be on your show. I don't know if you appreciate it. It's always a pleasure to be on the other side of the mic.

Christopher H. Loo, MD-PhD: It's funny, because when I got started, I was always the one interviewed. So now as the host, there's actually quite a lot of work to be done and a lot of behind the scenes type. So it's actually a lot more work than just being a guest. So thanks for appearing on and I'm happy to return the favor. So we'll talk about fearlessness and freedom. And you have a very inspiring story, just get the listeners warmed up. And we'll get started.

Dr. Charmaine Gregory, MD: Yeah so how, I guess I will tell the story from the point of view of how I even got into the entrepreneurship side of things like, what is a doctor doing entrepreneurship, right. So basically, if you can, you probably can tell, if you can't, but I have an accent a little bit. It's not as strong as when I first arrived here when I was 10 years old, from Jamaica. And came to the States basically to fulfill a dream, right? So at that time, for me, medicine was to become a physician. And so that dream got realized, and everything was going fantastic. I got into emergency medicine, absolutely loved it, and was practicing. And then there was a point, probably about six or seven years into my career, where I had a little bit of a breakdown. It was actually more of a physical breakdown in the sense of, I had just had three children pretty much back to back in about a four year time span.

And after that last child, I injured myself training, and I ended up losing muscle mass on my right leg, and it was a little bit of an enigma as to what the actual injury was. My poor orthopod did everything, he drained my knee multiple times. He got me an MRI. We did Dopplers all these things to try to figure out what the heck was wrong with my knee. And why was I having this difficulty? And so a year later after, we couldn't figure it out any other way, he took me to the operating room and looked around. And said, Your knee is the knee of a 60 year old, it was crazy. And it turns out that I had an occult meniscal tear.

So everything I thought was all good, after that. And as a person who had been pretty much active her entire life, I played sports, I did all kinds of stuff to stay healthy and active. I was essentially grounded for the greater part of a year. And so as a consequence of that, if you're normally active, you know that that's how you maintain your size, you maintain your ability to fit into your clothing, all that stuff. So yes, money had been fixed, but then I was not really back to my previous level of activity. So I was supposed to give a lecture to the residents. And I went into the closet to literally collect my items that I'm going to need to wear. And so, one such item was actually my favorite suit. This is black suit, pants suit with a three button blazer. And so I went to try this thing on, and I put on one pant leg, and another leg, and then I tried to navigate my hips and it was a nope, no sister, this is not going to happen. And so I did not, did not navigate my hips, could not zip the zipper, could not button the button and I thought it was just a function of the pants, and then perhaps this top will be different. But there was quite the same story because the buttons and the buttonholes decided they did not want to be with each other anymore and wanted to file for divorce.

So that led to me literally falling out on the floor of my closet crying, like what the heck is going on. I can't believe this. And so that led me to saying, You know what, this is enough. And so I went ahead and joined a group of women who were going to be on a health journey as well, a health fitness journey. And part of it was not only the accountability for physical activity on a regular basis, but also it was very heavily weighted on personal development. So mindset training was a big part of this. And so you're probably wondering, why am I telling you this story? Here's why.

So during the time that I was in this group, I saw a tremendous transformation in my physical form. Okay, so I was 42, I guess at the time or whatever how old I was. And I was like, in the best shape of my life, I was really getting into movement. And at the same time, I was learning that I actually, the time when I fell out on the floor of the closet, it's a little bit out of character for me, because I'm not very emotional usually. So for me to do that was really a big deal. So then I started looking back at like, Well, why, why did I do that. And I started to analyze the whole situation. And I realized that every night when I would get ready to go to work, I would start work at 11. So that means I'd get up from my anchor nap at about 1030 1015 for on time departure at 1030. Right. So then I realized what I was doing, I literally would have them I would go off, I would snooze it. And then I would have to go through this whole exercise where I have to tell myself, okay, you have to physically bend your body so you can be upright, then you have to swing your leg around, touch it to the floor, swing the next one. I had to go through that mental exercise to just even get out of bed. And then once I got to the hospital, it was another struggle, right? And so I'm like, I'm white knuckling it on the steering wheel. I don't want to I don't want to take my hand off the steering wheel to go into the building. I have to tell each finger and both thumbs to unleash their grip. And it was just crazy.

And I did not know that this was a symptom of burnout. I had no idea, right? I had no idea that I had gotten there. I had no idea why because when we are in the throes of burnout. It's a continuum. And so when we're really at the bottom. This is before it even affects our work. We tend to normalize the behaviors right? And the reason why this happens is because, it is not a big change that happens, it is little to have mental chips away at the armor and to the armor completely cracks and falsity. And, and so that's so you, you look in the mirror, it's kind of when you were younger, and you went to visit a family member that you hadn't seen in quite a while and they're like, Oh, my goodness, your face is so much fatter, or your face is so much thinner. You're looking at your face every day, and you're not seeing any difference in your face, right? You're like, okay, that's me. But somebody who has a comparison can see the change. And so since you're not the one who's looking into the picture, you're the one in the picture, you tend not to realize what's going on.

So I had no clue that I was going through burnout. And it was serendipitous that I started to work on my physical form. And as a function of that I had an opportunity to get to realize the importance of mindset training. And then I was able to retrospectively realize that oh, my God, I was burnt out. And so part of this process of physical and mental transformation, I realized that I really, really, really love helping other people. So I started doing fitness coaching. And then I realized that I love business, I loved running a business, I loved doing things. And if I were to really be honest with myself, I would say that I was exposed to this really early. So my mom was a single mom, we were living in Jamaica and at the time, and I guess anybody who is familiar with Jamaica's economy, or who is Jamaican will kind of laugh at this, but like, we we lived there in a time, in the 70s, it was pretty much very strong economically, the dollar, the Jamaican dollar was essentially equivalent to the US dollar. So it'd be you trade $1 for $1, right, which is kind of a big deal.

And then come into the 80s, we got to the point where we start to see it going three to one, four to one. And then when it gets a five to one, my mom was saying, You know what, this is too hard. I'm not able to see my way, we have to transition to the US. So it was like that, but at that time she was taking her job. And then she would go and she would go and buy bulk oranges. And she would sell them out of the trunk of her car. She would make sandwiches and sell them at my school's cafeteria, like, my mom is a straight hustler. She's an entrepreneurial Hustler, she's constantly doing that. And so I was exposed to that, but didn't realize, right.

And so it dawned on me when I started doing this, and I was like, oh my god, this is because she influenced that. And I really, really loved it. So that was a first business. And then multiple businesses after that. And then fast forward to why the podcast even got started. Again, because of my mindset training and personal development on a regular basis, I realized that I had a pretty deep fear of public speaking. And so much so that I kind of realized how unhealthy my rituals were for it. Every time I had to go give a talk to the residents or to colleagues or anything, I literally did not sleep the night before. I was a mess mentally this kind of going over to talk over and over and over again. And then when I got there, I would always have to wear a blazer because I would have a thunderstorm occurring in both my [?] and I did not want to embarrass myself or the audience by having a blouse that had telltale markings on it. And I had palpitations my heart was literally trying his very best to break free of the cage that it's in. I had the mental playback you're going to trip and fall and break your face. And then you're going to slip on the blood and fall again, then you're going to break your head and you got to hobble to the podium, and then you get started on the slides and most likely gonna come on, you're gonna open your mouth and no words are gonna come out, like it was ridiculous. So I thought this is not healthy. So I said, I'm going to do something about this. And so the first tier of that desensitization therapy that I gave myself to prescribe myself was to start a podcast, and then the second tier was to actually become a public speaker.

So that's how the podcast started. That's how public speaking got started. And then from there, I just met some incredible people and so many more doors have opened, and people kept on asking me advice about how to start podcasts and then I created a course. People went through the course, had great success. And then I said okay, I offer services and so and then that's how that business kind of developed. So yeah, so one of my businesses and it's just really fun. The thing that's interesting about entrepreneurship, and I think, why a lot of physicians, when they do allow themselves to get involved, find it very liberating is, with entrepreneurship, you have control, you have control over the direction of where things are going, you don't have to go through any kind of bureaucratic channels in order to make a change in order to try something new. In medicine, we are bound by obviously, what are these things called?

A scope of practice, but standards, we are basically bound by standards, right? Because, and with good reason, we don't really want to have a doctor that’s experimenting or is a cowboy or cowgirl that's doing whatever off the range, I get it, but at the same time, what it does is it puts us in a box, right? With entrepreneurship, there is no box. You are allowed to utilize your right brain, your creative side, and you're allowed to you're allowed to actually fail forward, which, in medicine, again, totally understand why failure isn't looked on in medicine like a lesson that we can learn from, it's more look as a stain and your character and like, almost a sign that you should not do this anymore. So it is unfortunate. And entrepreneurship, you're encouraged to fail. Because every time you fail, you learn something new about what direction you need to be going in, and you grow a whole lot faster, and you go a whole lot farther, when you are willing to open yourself up to failing and failing fast.

Christopher H. Loo, MD-PhD: You've mentioned a lot of things. It's very insightful about your condition, and then you realized that it was burnout, and you didn't realize it, and some people have a nervous breakdown or, or just some people have a health scare, or for me, it's like, I couldn't look myself in the eye anymore.

And what's interesting is, you talk a lot about fear, and I was telling one client we are pigeon holed and there's a point A to point B and there's always a right answer to the test. And that works for academia and for training, but in the real world where we deal with uncertainty. So how can physicians overcome this fear? Because it's actually survival, because you can lose your job, you can get disciplined by the board, and you may lose your license. So, these are real concerns. So what can physicians do to overcome this fear and get into entrepreneurship and start to protect themselves against insurance and these hospitals that have control over their time and their income? And really, physicians really don't have any say over that.

Dr. Charmaine Gregory, MD: Yeah, I would say that getting involved in entrepreneurship is, honestly, I feel like everybody should, and here's the reason why. Because what happens is that you, you've dedicated a lot of time to this right you have dedicate, you probably sacrificed your 20s or 30s Whenever you started, you have met countless hours that and depending on your specialty, countless hours after you're done with your training, in hospital caring for patients, which is fantastic. But what happens along that road is the person that you were when you went into medical school, which usually you have to be somebody pretty well rounded, you have to be somebody who's intelligent, they usually want you to have other qualities. Right? Be well read or be involved in some kind of club or do other things. They want you to be a well rounded person when you go into medical school and then they beat it out of you right? And so if during the time that you're there, if you're not holding on to at least one hobby then what ends up happening is medicine then takes over because medicine is a very jealous mistress right? Medicine doesn't care that you were married before to art or you were married before to gardening or whatever it is that you really enjoyed before you became a doctor. Medicine doesn't care about those medicine’s like, it's just me. And so over time, what happens to a lot of us is that that becomes a definition of us. And you're not. And that's not who you are. Right?

And so this, the sooner you realize this, and the reason why it's so important to realize this, and this is not to say that you should not be passionate about your specialty, you're passionate about your patient. That's not what I'm saying. Because we are intrinsically people who are going to be excellent at what we do. So that's not what I'm saying. What I'm saying is, you cannot just be Dr. Whatever. Because that's a dangerous slope to be on. Because if there is something that occurs, such as a crazy pandemic, right, or an injury, or something, some tragedy in your life in your family that says you need to stop right now and you can't do this thing. What else are you going to do? What else do you have in the back pocket to do? For 99% of the physicians that I know, nothing else? They think that people are anomalies, but really, we need to be the norm. Because the reason is that you always want to - know how your mom always says, Don't put all your eggs in one basket? Because your mom’s, right? Okay, she knows what she's talking about. You need to definitely diversify your opportunities, diversify your assets, so that if you get hit, on one end, you have something else to fall back on. So that is why entrepreneurship is a great thing now. It's a big, big basket, right? Entrepreneurship is a big basket, you could have multiple baskets within entrepreneurship, obviously.

I mean, medicine is a one trick pony, right? I mean, if you do surgery, you're a surgeon. If you do it, I mean, like, it's a one trick pony. Entrepreneurship is multifaceted. And you can have multiple areas of interest, therefore, multiple income streams, right. So you can go from one income stream, which if it gets cut off, you're screwed. Or you can have the main income stream, start developing the secondary, tertiary income streams, so that you don't have to feel you are bound to the golden handcuffs, or platinum handcuffs, or whatever they're called, you don't have to feel bound to them. Because you have the freedom of being financially free. So that's why doctors should be entrepreneurs, and you get to use your right brain. So it's fun.

Christopher H. Loo, MD-PhD: Yeah. Yes. So when what you're alluding to is financial, not only just financial freedom, but time freedom, and from the sound of your voice and your facial expressions emotional freedom, because you're much happier, you have more vitality, you’re a lot healthier.

So we'll go into a little bit of your set where you mentioned entrepreneurship is a huge basket. So, I mean, just briefly touch on like, a lot of physicians are like, Oh, what do I do, like, I only know how to practice and they don't know how to leverage their skill sets to monetize alternative income streams. So what's your advice? Or what are some avenues or areas that physicians can easily take their clinical expertise and go and create side income streams.

Dr. Charmaine Gregory, MD: So if you don't feel fully comfortable stepping completely outside of the realm of what is known, you can start with doing things within medicine, right? So there are tons and tons of opportunities that do not involve you going to the hospital, or going to the clinic, or going to the operating room, and exchanging your time for money, right, you could become a consultant, you could you could be an advisor, there's so many things that you can do, even within medicine, or within the big umbrella of medicine, not necessarily clinical medicine. And so you can start there, if you don't feel comfortable.

If you're feeling there's something that you want to pick back up that you maybe did before the jealous mistress came into your life, then maybe you can pick up something related to that. So, for example, I know a physician right now who, before she went to med school, she was an artist, she was a musical artist. And so she went back to that. She basically started her own production company. She's pushing that agenda and that is a source of income now for her. So you have to kind of explore what your interests are. And if you start with your interests and you start with the things that you're passionate about, then that's a great place. Because the truth is about entrepreneurship, it is fun. It is exciting, but there is also a roller coaster ride that is involved in being an entrepreneur.

And so you really have to be doing something that you are passionate about on the good days, bad days every day. And you have to also keep in mind that there is a, I don't want to say steep learning curve, but there's a pathway. And the pathway usually requires a lot of medicine, I guess, it requires a lot of hard work and bumps and bruises at the onset. But once everything is established, and you have kind of gotten into your groove, then it becomes a lot easier, right? It's the same thing for like, even things that are passive income related, you still have to do work at the beginning to set it up, right. And that work could be, I don't know, it could be like, a few months, it could be a couple years, depending on what you're doing. An example of that, I guess would be. So say, for example, you're doing properties you'd have to do due diligence about your investment, you have to do all that stuff upfront to get your capital, all that stuff. And then once you've done that if it's a if it's a rental property, then once you've had it all set up, and you have your management company set up or whatever, however, you're going to do it and you start getting the tenants in a so I get an income, that income is passive income, right, but you had to do work before it became passive.

So I think people don't understand that, like, they think, Oh, I'm just gonna get passive income, okay, yeah, you will, but you have to do the work upfront. So if you go into it having those things in mind, having that in mind, realizing that it will be an awesome experience, but there will be bumps and bruises, much like medicine, right? And, and you've been trained ready for this. So you should know this, this is not gonna be a big deal for you. And then the second thing is, going in there realizing that if it's something that's going to create passive income, that you need to put in sweat equity, to get it set up, to become passive, like it's not passive right away.

And then thirdly, also realizing that entrepreneurship is the opposite of medicine in that you are constantly able to course correct, readjust, think outside the box, experiment, and try new things. And you're allowed to do that, and nobody is going to question you, and people are always going to criticize you because guess what, it’s your business. It's your business. So you run your business how you want. So yeah, no, I highly encourage it. It’s so great for your mental state. So great for your personal development. It's if once you get your baby to the point where it's cranking out passive income for you, or cranking out solid income for you, it is a great, great, great place to be. And then when you start noticing that you are indeed financially free, that creates a lot of times a lot more love for medicine. It's kind of a funny thing. Because if you're still practicing, what happens is, you're like, I'm here because I want to be here, not because I have to be here. And it is a very different way that you look at medicine when you're in that position.

Christopher H. Loo, MD-PhD: Yeah, you said it's so well, and I know you have your podcast course, you have books, and you have coaching. So we'll include all of your resources for the audience and the listeners. The next thing I want to transition to is, so you have location freedom, because you moved from Michigan, and now you're in Guam, that's the coast of Hawai’i. And you have the beautiful beaches and the beautiful weather. So tell us a little bit about that move. And some of the challenges and some of the advantages that you currently enjoy, because of your freedom and your mobility.

Dr. Charmaine Gregory, MD: So basically, I have wanted to live elsewhere. Because I mean, I'm from one country, and then I moved to another and I have incredible wanderlust and I want to experience different cultures, things of that nature. So I have wanted to live outside the United States for quite a while. And the pandemic sort of accelerated that process. And so, what happened was, my husband is an entrepreneur as well. He's an entrepreneurial scientist. He has his own drug discovery and design company. And so we were essentially kind of rooted in Michigan, mainly because of his company. I wanted him to have everything that he needed in order to have great success with that. And for me, I could work anywhere, I really didn't care.

And so when we realized that he was able to conduct business, from the couch, or from the home office, then it was like, alright, well, why are we still here? We can live anywhere. And so. So then we made that decision in October of 2020. And then I started looking around. And we looked at several places, actually, we looked at Ireland, believe it or not, but Ireland. Yeah, it was, it's, I mean, it wasn't my first choice. But I was kind of like, it's kind of cool. It'd go back to the days of like, Lord of Rings, I don't know. That’s probably a stereotype, I'm sorry, my Irish friends, I don't mean to insult you. And so basically, like, we looked there, but they had some ridiculous - because the whole idea is that we would go to the place with me practicing medicine there, right, that would be the entrance to the country. And so their requirements for medical license are just too much as like, there's too much I'm too old for this. So that wasn't gonna work.

And then we looked at the Virgin Islands, but the offer they were giving, I was like, There's no way, I'm not gonna take that. And that's the other thing, knowing your worth, knowing your worth and asking for it. And then that left, Australia and New Zealand. New Zealand would have been perfect because we have family in Christchurch. So it would have been close to family. But both New Zealand and Australia require our parents to have $1 million in assets in order for them to get a grandparent's visa. And I could not put them on my health professional visa. So that was a no go. And then we're like, somehow Guam came up, I don't remember exactly how it did. And so we were like, oh, it's by the Pacific Rim. That's awesome. Like, there's so many places, my son has a huge bucket list of places he wants to go to. He's very into geography. And so pretty much three quarters of the places that are on his bucket list of places to visit, we're on this side of the world. And so we're like, wow, we might as well just go there, then. And so that's how we ended up here. And the crazy part about it is, it's a territory, right.

So, all of the things we didn't have to go through the whole having assets to get visas and all that stuff, which was quite nice. And then it's a tropical place, which is also very nice, because it basically made me feel quite at home, because I'm an island girl at heart no matter what. I lived in the frozen tundra for years and years, but I'm still Islander. And so it just really allowed us to have that as well. And then I had heard so many great things about Pacific Islanders. And I felt it was a great community to come and serve. And I got here. So first of all, we did all this. So we made a decision in October, I got the job. We decided on Guam, I had some conversations, and I got the job fairly quickly. And then we had the task of actually, because we had three houses, we had a condominium that my mother in law's living in, we have a smaller home that my mom's living in, and then we had our house. And so we had to sell the big house and the condo. And then we're going to keep a smaller house just to have a place in Michigan to go home to for whenever my husband has his business meetings and things. And so we had to literally go to Ohio, get everything out of that house, pare down all the stuff, and then pack it in a container, bring it over to the house in Michigan. So revamp the house in Michigan. Get it to the point where it could be sold and thank God it got sold in a day, which is awesome. And then get all that stuff. So essentially move three households worth of stuff from Michigan to Guam, right. So get it in containers and move it to Guam.

And then we found out that we had to sell the cars and so we had to go through that whole process. We sold three cars. And we did it through Carvana which was actually pretty simple, which I was really surprised I was kind of skeptical about. We're gonna sell a car with the internet, but apparently it worked out great three times. So there we go. And so and I have no I have no affiliation with Carvana. So there's a freebie Carvana, there you go. So we did all that stuff and then we moved here. We just came. And we had never visited, we had never visited the hospital before and I had never met any of the people before. It was a big risk.

But even when you're taking large risks, you still do some form of risk management, right? Because, for me, risk management was for my mom, risk management was going on YouTube and watching every single last video there, even has ever been made about Guam. So she knew everything about Guam. She's like, Oh, yeah, that when we were on, when we arrived, and we went to certain places, Oh, I saw that on YouTube. This is why this is going on here. This is the street over here. And so that was her risk management, my risk management was talking to as many colleagues as possible who had had any contact or any experience with the place about what it was like? And I talked to a lot of people and I will tell you that I got one negative comment. And it wasn't even really a negative comment. The comment literally was, Guam’s awesome. You see a lot of stuff, but too many weird cases. Oh, that was a negative comment. And I said, You know what, if I'm talking to all these people, and everybody's saying positive, that means that this is a place that we need to go, whether I've seen it or not. And so that was my risk management. So I don't want people to think that I was like, oh, let's put a finger on the map, or drop the pin on the map. And instead, we're gonna go there and just pack up everything and go, it wasn't quite like that. I did do some research.

So this brings us back to entrepreneurship. Okay, so here's, here's why, because of the fact that my mindset is such that whatever I can be anywhere I make money, it allows me to not close off options. And so that's what entrepreneurship does. It really gives you the ability to see farther into the future, and also look more in your periphery than just straight ahead. Right. So before I had done all my mindset work, and everything, and been involved in, had multiple failures and successes, I probably wouldn't have just done what we did last year. But because of all of that, and knowing that, if this doesn't work out, I can just do something else. It's not a big deal. That made it a lot easier to do that.

Christopher H. Loo, MD-PhD: Yeah, if you've gone through the ups and downs and dips, with the craziness of 2020, and we all survived that, we can weather 2008. So, you dropped so many good gems. And it's a very fascinating story, how you just moved your whole family and that takes a huge leap of faith and you're much stronger, and you've grown and you are able to weather that uncertainty. So, I know people are interested, how can they get in touch with you? And how can they get in contact with you, and any last words of advice?

Dr. Charmaine Gregory, MD: My biggest advice is, just do it. If you're thinking about it, just do it. Because guess what, the only thing that you have to lose is not trying anything. Because what you don't want is you don't want to be rocking on the porch in a rocking chair next year next to your family or your significant other or your kids or whoever. And, man when I was 40 I should have done that. Or when I was 50 I should have done that. Or whatever it is because you don't want to be, if your idea is okay, okay, how about this? If your idea was the internet, right and you never did anything to progress that idea. And now you're like, Man, I should have done something, I should have put myself out there. I could have been a part of this revolution right?

Now somebody else is somebody else putting themselves out there. And they're the ones getting the accolades and the, the fruit of the labor, the spoils. And could have been you like, so you never the place that has the most ideas ever, that are not realized is a cemetery, right? I mean, you don't want to be older and looking back saying, Man, I should have done that thing. If I had that idea, or I could have done this a little differently, and it could have gone this way. You never want to be that one. So if you look at your life, and you look at the opportunities that you're looking towards pursuing as potential gateways to you never having regrets, then you should definitely do it. Just do it. Don't even think about it. What is the name of the woman who says the five second rule, I keep forgetting

Christopher H. Loo, MD-PhD: Mel Robbins?

Dr. Charmaine Gregory, MD: Yes. So Mel Robbins is like, Look, you get the idea. Five seconds, right? Don't even, don't even don't even let it ruminate, just do it. Just give it five seconds and just do it. And you will be surprised at how it will transform your life. It is just nuts how it does. Because what happens is, the more you start taking the baby risks, but the real small risks, is that it will compound to a bigger payoff, right?

So the small risk that you take every day turns into a gigantic payoff in a week, a month, a year, two years. And if you don't ever put your foot forward and touch the water, you will never get in the water and you will never learn to swim. I mean, it's just facts, facts. And so that would be my advice, you might feel fear. We all have it no matter what, people who get on these ginormous stages and talk to 10s of 1000s of people guess what, they still feel fear. But you know what they do with that? They take that fear and they basically convert it into kinetic energy, and they feed the audience and give to the audience. So that's what you need to do. So yeah, you feel fear, everybody does, whatever that's normal. That's part of life. But you don't let that stop you. You still do the thing. Give it five seconds, boom. All right, let's go. That's what you need to do. You will see amazing things happen if you just do that.

And so how can you get in contact with me? I am literally Charmaine Gregory MD on pretty much all the platforms. So, let me see, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. And then the podcast, Fearless Freedom with Dr. G, has its own LinkedIn, Instagram and Facebook. Awesome. Yeah, and I'm on TikTok now too, I have fun with that. My TikTok is just a fun, fun account. I just have so much fun with it. Yeah, and I’m Charmaine Gregory MD there too.

Christopher H. Loo, MD-PhD: Awesome. In all of the show notes and links and all the resources will be included. And Dr. Gregory thanks so much. I know I appeared on your podcast right before the pandemic started. When we didn't have anything better, so now it's just blossomed. So thanks so much, and we wish you the best and hopefully we'll have you on as a future guest.

Dr. Charmaine Gregory, MD: Oh, thank you. And I am so proud of how much you have grown over this time and you're just doing incredible things. Keep doing it.

Christopher H. Loo, MD-PhD: Yes, thanks. And it means so much to me.

Dr. Charmaine Gregory, MD: Awesome.

Christopher H. Loo, MD-PhD: Many thanks again for being here. If you’re new, you can find me online at Christopher H. Loo, MD-PhD, where I have links to other episodes or links to online resources that will support you on your financial literacy journey. I’ll see you there in on next week’s show. While I bring you thoroughly vetted information on this show regarding a variety of financial topics, I cannot promise you a one size fits all solution. This is why I caution you to continue to learn. Educate yourself and seek professional advice unique to your situation. If you want to talk to me, I welcome it. Please reach out via my website or email at I read and personally respond to all of my emails. Talk soon!


Editor's note: This transcript has been edited for brevity and clarity.


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